We hold an informal service of worship every Sunday morning at 10.30am at the Baptist Chapel, Bromsgrove.
1st Sunday includes Communion and the 3rd Sunday is an all age service where we meet as whole church family with content and format presented to engage everyone and encourage interaction.
We have a Junior Church and creche every Sunday except the 3rd Sunday when we hold all age worship.
If you would like to know more, please contact us on the details below.
GROWTH GROUPS: FOR FRIENDSHIP AND BIBLE STUDY You are warmly invited to participate in an FBC Growth Group, which take place in people’s homes within the local area and online. You will have the opportunity to study the Bible, learn more about following Jesus, for prayer, and to further develop your friendship with folk from the church family. Tea, coffee, cake and biscuits also feature highly! The groups meet weekly or fortnightly on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, in Faringdon & Shrivenham. If you are interested in taking part in a group, please call Mark Greenwood on 07393574141. |
There is limited car parking at the Faringdon Baptist Church. Some car parking is available in the roads around Church, but please be aware of general parking restrictions. If you park on the roads around the Chapel, please park with due care and respect for the local residents thanks for your co-operation. Faringdon also comes under the umbrella of a Stagecoach bus service S6 details of which can be found here.
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